Aster Gdem Data

Aster Gdem Data' title='Aster Gdem Data' />Digitalgeography. INCASI. Na teh straneh najdete vsebino, ki je plod sodelovanja slovenske dravne meteoroloke slube v mednarodnem projektu INCA CE, katerega cilj je razvoj in vpeljava sistema za zelo kratkorono napoved na obmoju srednje Evrope INCA je akronim za Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis. Serial Number For Artlantis 64. Prikaz temelji na tehnologiji odprtega dostopa in uporablja javno dostopne geografske zemljevide npr. Google Maps in druge. Na voljo je prikaz trenutnega stanja nekaterih vremenskih elementov irom Slovenije temperatura, veter, oblanost, padavine ter zelo kratkorona napoved njihovih vrednosti za najve nekaj ur vnaprej. Analiza trenutnega stanja vremena temelji na izmerjenih vrednostih mree avtomatskih meteorolokih postaj, vremenskega radarja RC Lisca in vremenskega satelita Meteosat. Pomembno opozorilo. Sistem deluje v celoti avtomatizirano in kljub skrbni kontroli podatkov v realnem asu al ne moremo zagotoviti, da bo deloval povsem brez napak. Elevation data search. This is a simple search engine to search for digital elevation data from various sources on the internet. In particular the search by date. Sql Trigger Check Field Updated 2018. Zaradi monih napak v meritvah ali omejenega dosega meritev je lahko prikazano stanje drugano od realnega predvsem pri padavinah. Prikazane informacije je treba torej vselej kritino obravnavati in jim ne slepo zaupati. This webportal is a joint effort by the INCA CE partnership. It provides a visualisation of nowcasting model INCA output for the Slovenian domain for a few parameters. The site has been built on Openlayers technology and implements some standard user experiences that are widely known from e. Google Maps, such as zooming and panning. Additionally, there are a lot more features implemented in this portal. The INCA model Integrated Nowcasting Through Comprehensive Analysis was developed at the National Weather Service of Austria ZAMG and plays a central role in the EU co funded project INCA CE see www. Within this project, not only the INCA model itself is further developed, but especially the link to application partners civil protection, hydrology, road safety is established and the needs of both sides meteorological and application are investigated and links are buing built. Important notice. The INCA system makes use of measurement data. As with all measurements, these are prone to errors. Although a robust error checking and filtering mechanism is in place, there is no guarantee that all measurement errors can be detected and handled correctly. Therefore, unrealistic artefacts may appear in this visualisation especially concerning precipitation. Consequently the displayed information should be examined with care. Omejitev odgovornosti. Informacije, objavljene na spletni strani meteo. Uradu za meteorologijo. Agencije RS za okolje, upotevajo mednarodne znanstvene in tehnine standarde. Trudimo se, da ne bi prihajalo do napak, a le te niso povsem izkljuene. Opozarjamo, da ne prevzemamo odgovornosti za morebitno nastalo kodo, ki bi nastala zaradi odloitve, sprejete na osnovi informacij na nai spletni strani. Content. The INCA CE project offers this service as is, without further warranties, express or implied, and takes no liability whatsoever for any claims resulting from the provision of the services. The sole purpose of this website is information. We disclaim any liability for the correctness and completeness of the contents. The copyright for all contents of this website lie with INCA CE. Its code and contents may not be copied or utilized otherwise. INCA CE reserves the right not to be responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected. Referral and links. On this website links to other websites are presented. INCA CE has not controlled these websites and disclaims any liability for their content. The INCA CE project takes no responsibility for web sites which are linked from this portal as it denies any responsibility for web sites that link to this portal. The INCA CE project is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from this pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages. Furthermore INCA CE is not liable for any postings or messages published by users of discussion boards, guestbooks or mailinglists provided on this page.