Bundle Activator Osgi

Quick Start Guide to install SAP Work Manager 6. SMP 3. 0. If you are the first time to use the work manager application, especially for 6. Work Manager 6. 3. Note All the contents of this article are the minimum requirement on this topic. Prerequisites Fully installed in the SAP Mobile Platform. Start the SMP 3. 0 Services and make sure the SAP Management Cockpit is active. User configured the SAP Add on for Work Manager 6. Work Manager 6. 2, so you can also check the link http scn. WHrjV-gKG0U/VMcrHnYQRZI/AAAAAAAABAs/_tJMxuZaVIs/s1600/5.png' alt='Bundle Activator Osgi' title='Bundle Activator Osgi' />Test Environment SAP Mobile Platform 3. SP1. 0Work Manager 6. WPF Agentry Client v. Step by Step guide Download the Work Manager 6. Hi All, Here is the landscape which we are using currently have a look it once. But for us based on the CLUSTER information in SAP Mobile Platform Administrator and. Nice to see this project. Thanks for peoples begin that project. This IDE is Most usefull for studnet who leatn PHP and thanks lot. Wish you all the best. Bundle Activator Osgi' title='Bundle Activator Osgi' />Bundle Activator OsgiSAP ONE Support Launchpad following the link below. Each available software to be downloaded are standalone. For example Deployment, Crew Management or Meter Management. Users has to choose which one they want and work on it from there. Unzip the installation file and run the workmanager. Enter the Work Manager Backend Server address, Client number, Sys Number and User information, and then select directory to generate the application. In Fisherman Freshwater Trophies. During the installation, the workmanager. SAP Work Manager 6. SAPWork. Mgr. 63. Deployment 2. 01. SAP Mobile Platform Management Cockpit. Ini files Configuration files used in Work Manager 6. Java. BE. ini file will include the backend connection information that we just input in the previous step  Java folder will include many. Java class files used to interface with SAP backend Open the SMP Management Cockpit and create a new application with type Agentry and set the Authentication providers with No Authentication Challenge option. Save the application and the Agentry application node will be created under the SMP configuration folder, generic ini configuration files area would be generated. Restart the SMP server, check the startup. Once Restarted, open the application in the management cockpit and navigate to APP SPECIFIC SETTINGS, press the Browse button to import the application zip file SAPWork. Mgr. 63. 0Deployment 2. Publish tab. After loading the application zip file, the backend will be shown in the configuration screen and include the contents in the Agentry. Note sapsso. jar is only for sso setup and is not part of the out of box deployment files. Save the application and restart SMP server. Check startup. log and event. SMPAgentry Server. Check from IE if you can connect the application in the SMP and see I am here by typing https SMPServer. Address 8. 08. 1Application. Name, open the SMP cockpit and navigate to the configuration screen of this Agentry application, then you can get the application name from the url. Karaoke Mixer Software For Pc. Path field under APP SPECIFIC SETTINGS. During the SMP 3. Serverconfiguration folder. In order to get the approval for accessing SMP server from Agentry Client, we need to install the certificate file in the mobile device. In this scenario, copy the smpcrt. WPF Agentry Client and install it under the Trust Root Certification Authorities. Open the WPF Client, input the Agentry Backend user name and password, enter the URL https SMPServer. Address 8. 08. 1Application. Cracked Skin On Fingers, Teatree Oil. Name that can access the work manager 6. SMP server and you will see the transmit has started in the popup screen. At last, if you open the SMP Management Cockpit and navigate to USERS option under the APPLICATIONS tab, you would find that the connect information for this user on this Agentry application. Related Link http scn. Teradata Studio Teradata Downloads. Teradata Studio is a client based graphical interface used to perform database administration tasks on Teradata and Aster Databases, as well as copying data between Aster, Teradata, and Hadoop Database Systems. Teradata Studio is built on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform RCP, taking advantage of the RCP framework for building and deploying native GUI applications. It extends the Eclipse Data Tools Platform DTP to enhance Teradata Database access. Teradata Studio can be run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX operating systems. The Eclipse platform is designed as an open tools platform but architected so that its components or a subset of its components can be used to build RCP applications. This allows Teradata Studio to benefit from the many high quality Eclipse features available while focusing on value add for Teradata. With the Studio 1. Administration Perspective. Refer to the article, New Studio Administration User Experience for more information. In addition to this article, there is a Teradata Studio User Guide document now available on the Teradata Studio Download page. Teradata Studio includes the following key features. Task based Perspective Display. Modular display that allows you to move panels around, creating a custom look and feel. Connection Profile Wizard to create connection profiles using the embedded Teradata or Aster JDBC Driver or Hadoop connection service. Data Source Explorer to view database objects, such as databases, schemas, tables, macros, stored procedures, map reduce functions, user defined functions, user defined types, views, and triggers. Add Database Allows you to add a single Teradata Database or User to the DSE tree, one at a time. Set Root Allows you to set the root of a hierarchical tree display. Create Filter Allows you to filter out objects from the Data Source Explorer folders. SQL Editor to create, modify, format, and execute SQL queries. SQL Query Builder to visually build and edit SQL queries Teradata only. Auto. Commit options allows user to manually control autocommit of SQL Statements. Result Set Viewer that displays result set data, allowing the user to select rows and cells, copy and format data, sort, hide, and move columns, and search for result set data values. Export Result Sets to Excel, XML, or text files. SQL History to maintain a historical record of submitted SQL queries with timings and status information. Object List Viewer to display the list of objects and open forms to display more detail information about Databases, Users, Schemas, Tables, Views, Macros, Stored Procedures, User Defined Functions, User Defined Types. Drop Databases, Schemas, Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Macros, or User Defined Functions. Data Transfer Wizard to transfer table data between Teradata, Aster, Hadoop, and the external file system. Data Export wizard to extract data from the Teradata or Aster Database to a file on the desktop. Data Load wizard to load data from the desktop file system to the Teradata or Aster Database. Smart Loader to easily load delimited text or Excel files into Teradata or Aster. Table Data Editor to easily Update, Insert, or Delete data for a table. Transfer History View to display the information about data transfers. Copy Object Wizard to copy Teradata objects from one Teradata system to another. Hadoop Transfer Wizard to transfer Hadoop tables between Teradata and Hadoop aka Smart Loader for Hadoop. Compare Objects Wizard to compare two Teradata or two Aster 6. Generate DDL to display the DDL for a given database object and its contained objects. This feature is provided in Teradata and Aster 6. Teradata Database Only Features Teradata Administration forms to create and view Teradata objects Databases, Users, Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, and User Defined Functions. Dialogs to create User Defined Types. Modify and Drop Actions Databases and Users. Administer Roles and Profiles. Grant or Revoke of access and system rights. Manage Privileges on database objects. Copy Table, View, Stored Procedure, Macro, or User Defined Type definitions to another database, or to another system. Rename Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, Macros, or User Defined Functions. Data Source Explorer menu options to run Stored Procedures, Macros, and User defined Functions. Move space from one database to another. Find objects in the Data Source Explorer. Set up the rules for Query and Access Logging. Administer Foreign Servers Create, Drop, Alter, and View. Administer Secure Zones Create, Drop, Modify, and add Zone UsersAster Database Only Features Aster Administration forms to create and view Aster objects Databases, Users, Roles, Schemas, Tables, and Views. Grant and Revoke Privileges for Aster objects. Aster Analytical Templates that provide the SQL syntax for the support analytical functions within Aster. For administrative functions, Teradata Studio will provide a preview of the SQL statements and allow the user to save the SQL to a file or display it in the SQL Editor. Usage Videos. For detailed step by step demonstration of the Studio features, refer to the Studio Usage Videos article. Studio Perspectives. A perspective is a visual container for a set of views, menus, toolbars, and actions. Each perspective provides a set of functionality aimed at accomplishing a specific type of task or works with specific types of resources. Teradata Studio includes three perspectives Query Development, Administrator, and Data Transfer. The Query Developement perspective focuses on SQL query developement tasks. The views displayed within the Query Development perspective include the Data Source Explorer, Project Explorer, SQL Editor, Result Set Viewer, and SQL History View. The topmost menus provide the user with tools to create and edit SQL statements. The Administration perspective focuses on database development and administrative tasks for your Teradata Database. The Administration perspective includes the Navigator View, the Filter View, and the Object List Viewer. The Navigator View allows you to select the connection profile for administering objects. The Filter View allows you to filter the objects displayed in the Object List Viewer. The Object List Viewer provides a list of the objects and Open actions to view more detailed information about the objects. The Object List Viewer toolbar and menus include actions to create and administer database objects. The Data Transfer perspective provides support for transferring data and objects in Teradata and Aster Databases, and Hadoop systems. The Data Transfer perspective includes the Data Source Explorer, Transfer View, Teradata Progress View, and Transfer History View. The Transfer View provides a drag and drop palatte for copying table objects between Teradata and Hadoop systems and copying all objects between Teradata systems. The Progress View shows the status of active data transfer jobs. When the data transfer job completes, an entry is stored in the Transfer History View. Modular Display. As mentioned above, within each of the Studio perspectives are views that provide the modular display for the perspective. The Data Source Explorer View panel contains the database object tree display. It is here that you can create connection profiles to your Teradata Database, Aster Database, or Hadoop systems and interact with the database objects.