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Writing Style Guide. Not a word. Do not use. This is probably readily understood but should not appear in our documentation. Free Adobe Reader X86_64 Rpm Programs' title='Free Adobe Reader X86_64 Rpm Programs' />Ham Radio Software on Centos Linux Configuring multitudes of Amateur HAM Radio software for Centos6 Centos5 Linux. Practical information for Linux users, and for computer users leaving Windows and going Linux. This Writing Style Guide and Word Usage Dictionary is a joint effort by various groups within Red Hat. It is intended as a supplement to the titles listed in. The Cisco Services Ready Engine modules are router blades for the Cisco Integrated Services Routers Generation 2 that provide the capability to host Cisco, third. They can also use the slapiregisterplugin call to register any kind of plug in they like. Rephrase to something more suitable, such as. Ask is a verb. Do not use it as a noun. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Do not use. In most cases, use now. In some cases it is acceptable to use at this point, for example, when you have reached a specific point in a procedure. Also, automagical. Both terms are slang. Do not use. best of breed. Jargon. Say exactly what you mean, for example, the best product in its class or the best product of its type. Other alternatives include best, foremost, most advanced, optimum. The category is usually implied. Do not use. bottom line. Traditionally used in financial contexts avoid overuse. Not a word. Try categorize or organize into logical groups. Do not use. check this site. Understood to mean have a look at this website. The preferred phraseology is See www. It is better to avoid check because it has so many meanings. Not a word. Do not use. Jargon, cold and impersonal. Better choices include specialization, skill, strength, expertise, etc. The De Jargonator says Competent means adequate but not exceptional. Why would you describe what you do best as competence Try instead What your organization does best competitive advantage special or unique expertise or ability specialty. Do not use. dig deeper, delve deeper. Visit the following web link to dig deeper into subject. Using dig deeper may translate awkwardly. Consider rewording For detailed information regarding subject, see link. If something is described as a double edged sword, it indicates that it has two opposing behaviors or consequences. Instead, state that it can have unexpected consequences, or that the positive result might be offset by the negative result. Although we used to use this term to emphasize our products enterprise readiness, it is not as necessary now, especially when talking about a product with Enterprise in its name, unless youre calling this out as a key selling point. Vague. Clarify with specifics, for example, The movie made more money on the opening weekend than anyone expected. The movie exceeded our expectations. A fib is a small lie, also known as a white lie. This appeared in one of the GLS books this command tells fibs. Use something like The output of this command can be misleading. Generally understood to mean reacting to events as they occur. Difficult to offer alternatives without context. Do not use. frown upon. To frown upon means to hold in low regard, not to approve of, etc. This appeared in the Seam guide. This translates to and should have been written as. Even though fuzzy is slang, it is common when referring to searches, especially in databases. This example came from the Directory Server documentation. In Directory Server, if you do a fuzzy search for Smith you will probably also get Smyth, because it sounds the same. The use of fuzzy is valid in this context. Note the difference between this and wildcard searches Sm Smith, Smyth, Smeth, or even Smrth. Do not use fuzzy to describe something that is not clear, such as an image, a concept, an idea, and so on. For example, He was a bit fuzzy on the details is not valid. Jargon. Say from now on, in the future, or something similar. Do not use. Often understood to mean a path or method of least resistance or the preferred way to solve the current issue, this is very localized slang and could easily be misunderstood. It could also produce problems for translation. Do not use. have a crack atjump right in. Have a crack at and jump right in are closely related in meaning as they imply to get started or give it a try. Alternatives to these are start, try, and begin, and will depend on the context of what is being discussed. Do not use. For example, instead of saying If you want to perform an action. To perform an action Do not use. Instead, say with. For example, change Use gcov in concert with GCC to analyze. Use gcov with GNU CC to analyze Vague. Try to be more specific. Under a tight schedule, hard pressed to achieve something. Not a word. Do not use. Avoid this and similar phrases when describing products and services. Instead, state what the product does. Incorrect SSH is designed to work with almost any kind of public key algorithm or encoding format. Correct SSH works with almost any kind of public key algorithm or encoding format. Commonly used in the expression a different kettle of fish, meaning thats a different matter altogether. Depending on the context, try to use topic, subject, matter, or something similar. Avoid. Alternatives include use and take advantage of. Avoid using this term, because 1 it is jargon, 2 not everyone knows what it means, and 3 the meaning could be lost or confused in translation to other languages. Typically used to mean maintaining the status quo or just doing what is required to keep things up and running versus being proactive and innovative. For example, A cloud can deliver strategic advantages to the business by redirecting resources from lights on to innovation. Metaphor. Do not use. Not a word. Do not use. Do It Yourself Vacuum Forming For The Hobbyist Pdf. Vague. Try to be more specific, for example, lower your middleware costs. Overused and jargony. Unless the topic is actually critical to a mission, use a factual term or phrase, for example, Make sure you have the applications you need to help your customers. Make sure you have the mission critical applications your customers demand. Jargon. Use in summary, the end result, or something similar. Do not use. over the wire. Commonly used in expressions such as password information is sent in plain text over the wire, meaning sent unencrypted through the transmission medium whether it is a wired or wireless network, the internet, or whatever. The phrase is probably not required at all. Senttransmitted in plain text is fine. Nobody should ever write this or anything like it in any Red Hat documentation. Most people should know what it means. Use problematic, difficult, or something similar. Avoid. Use model, standard, or something similar. In the technical industry context, it means performs as expected or well performing. It is not necessarily a word everyone knows and technically, it means a performer, as in a play, according to most dictionaries, so use an alternative if possible. Not a word. Do not use. Slang. Do not use. Not a word. Find another way to say modify something to become suitable as a commercial product. Lets get ready to rumble is a trademarked catchphrase used to introduce televised boxing or wrestling events. In US English slang, being ready to rumble means you are ready to go ahead or ready to start. Do not use. right before doing something. Preferred phrase would be immediately before doing something. Otherwise, write around the phrase. Root directory. This is not very elegant. Be aware of the multiple meanings of words. Try something like Use the server. Root directory as the root directory for your server. This example came from the Directory Server documentation, but it could apply to Web Servers or any other type of server.