Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf

Book Reviews www. Book Review COMBAT GUNFIGHTING Advanced Handgun Fighting Skills, by Officer Michael T. Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' title='Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' />Rayburn. Self Published. Illustrated. P. O. Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In PdfBox 5. Saratoga Springs, New York 1. WITH the sole exception of those who drank the kool aid that had been generously pumped out regarding the so called new technique of the pistol, and the utter balderdash presented by some of that schools commercializing copycats, those who have studied actual gunfight situations, and related lethal encounters in which handguns have been employed against dangerous, attacking felons, all acknowledge that POINT SHOOTING is real combat handgun shooting. We fought a lonely battle for nine and a half years, every month, in a column that we wrote for a mainstream gun periodical in which at the time that the new technique was enjoying its halcyon years i. We  explained why it worked. We explained how it came about as a method. We discussed how and why the method proved itself, not in combat matches but in COMBAT, and we explained how to acquire the skill. We did receive some solid support from many in the law enforcement, security, investigative, intelligence, and military professions who had been and done. But the majority of the magazines readers, having had no real combat experience or exposure to close quarters battle situations, themselves, and having nothing more to go by than the interminable mouthings of gunwriters who, in one instance, even implied that point shooting was a fraud simply accepted the popular malarky, and assumed that point shooting had been replaced by the modern, so called new technique. How good to see the truth being more and more widely accepted as, ironically, what many in the know might wish to regard as the real fraudof the use of the sights approach to close range combat shooting, is more and more falling into disrepute. Another voice of reason out there is Mike Rayburn. A highly experienced police officer and firearms instructor, Mike has produced  a truly fine contribution to the literature of practical, real world combat shooting with the pistol. Mikes book, COMBAT GUNFIGHTING is a well articulated antidote to the nonsense that has infected the law enforcement and military training programs in handgun technique since the  new technique mythology began, following world war two. Note The so called new technique of the pistol certainly provides an interesting and enjoyable sporting form of handgun use, to be applied in competition not combat venues. JamesLee5.jpg' alt='Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' title='Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' />STRICTLY speaking, this isnt a book review. It is a personal endorsement of a selection of books that were written by Bruce Tegnr. Tegnr, as we pointed out. Ed Coan Powerlifting Programs more. Fidget Spinner is a toy. Small child is used for entertainment purpose. Bruce Jun Fan Lee T, L Xiolng P San Francisco, 27 novembre 1940 Hong Kong, 20 luglio 1973 stato un attore, artista marziale, filosofo. Biografia. Lee nato a Los Angeles ed cresciuto nelle isole Hawaii. Ha origini cinesi e come discendente di terzagenerazione sinoamericana, tre quarti sino. And we have no quarrel with those sport shooters who enjoy and participate in the activity. What we vigorously and uncompromisingly insist as does Mike Rayburn is that insofar as actual close quarters use of the handgun is concerned in real combat point shooting is the only way to go, and it is dangerously inappropriate to confuse that which wins in shooting matches with that which you need to save your life in a lethal confrontation. Before the eloquent obfuscation in print by those touting for their new venture began, and the excellent writer Jeff Cooper, extolled his new approach to what he and his followers wished to believe is combat shooting, the mechanics and theory of point shooting could readily be explained and described in relatively few words. Fairbairn initially did this in his classic text Shooting To Live, which was a classified document throughout world war two. Applegates original monograph on the subject, Handgun Offense, was also classified until, in his book Kill Or Get Killed he offered an expanded version of it. Applegates treatment is quite complete and quite brief, even in its expanded version. But the ton of absolute bullshit that has been perpetually dumped onto the self defense handgunning field during the last 4. Too, there are some interesting and valuable training and tactical concepts regarding the proven point shooting doctrine that teachers of this discipline in this 2. This is what makes brilliant instructors like Jim Gregg and the literature that he has contributed so important, and this certainly is what  necessitates a most enthusiastic endorsement of Mike Rayburns comprehensive book, as well. Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' title='Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In Pdf' />Jeet Kune Do The Book Of Bruce Lee In PdfWing Tsun Kung Fu, the system the school the book, Sifu Ralph Haenel, Your Kung Fu Coach learning and teaching Wing Tsun Kung Fu since 1984. The Jeet Kune Do Emblem The Taijitu represents the concepts of yin and yang. The Chinese characters indicate Using no way as way and Having no limitation as. Tao of Jeet Kune Do is a book expressing Bruce Lees martial arts philosophy and viewpoints, published posthumously after Bruce Lees death in 1973. Bruce Lee 1, n dans le quartier de Chinatown San Francisco aux tatsUnis le 27 novembre 1940 et mort dun dme crbral Hong Kong le 20 juillet 1973. If you understand that combat shooting is not remotely related to competition shooting, and if you have done sufficient research to become convinced that POINT SHOOTING is and always has been and will remain, so long as handguns are utilized genuine, war and street proven combat handgun shooting doctrine, then you will enjoy and benefit from studying Mike Rayburns outstanding treatise Our belief is that this outstanding text should be regarded as required reading and as a constant shelf reference for teachers in the private and government sectors, who wish to prepare their charges for, as Fairbairn put it, shooting to live. Do not be misled by the subtitle of this book Advanced Handgun Fighting Skills. Certainly the book contains plenty of postgraduate instruction for all who have mastered the fundamental point shooting method however, it is an outstanding source of reliable instruction for the beginner, as well. The work takes the reader from the very beginning, introducing him to the theory of combat point shooting, through the fundamentals of grip, body positioning stance if you prefer a more substantial term, and fire control, and then on to all sorts of situational applications and adaptations of the basic skill. Reloading, firing in dim light, clearing malfunctions, dealing with multiple assailants, even handling canine attacks, and more. In addition to recommending Mikes terrific book, we happily welcome him as an ally in our ongoing efforts to preserve, build upon, and teach the finest real world skills of armed and unarmed close combat and self defense to all decent people inside and out of law enforcement, the military, the intelligencesecurity services and, most important, the private sector. Cancel your subscriptions to those silly gun magazines and get hold of Mikes book.